Insider Perspective: The Global Climate Action Summit









Last week in San Francisco, climate leaders across business, 在首届全球气候行动峰会上,政策制定者和民间社会聚集在一起,“将雄心提升到一个新的水平”. 这次标志性的峰会旨在展示地方政府和非国家行为体在应对气候变化方面所做的工作.

/ 4,000 individuals attended the official summit, 而成千上万的人则前往旧金山参加300个在城市和其他地方举行的附带活动.

The excitement in the air was palpable.

At the 开始 of the week, 加州州长杰里·布朗签署了新的要求,要求加州到2045年实现碳中和和100%使用可再生能源. As the fifth largest economy, 加州对气候行动的明确承诺恰恰表明了实现《正规博彩十大网站》所需的大胆行动.



WBCSD members at the event championed climate commitments from resilience, to climate smart agriculture, to Science Based Targets, low-emissions transport, climate disclosure and more. (For more, see this snapshot of how business is stepping up to the climate challenge)

Major announcements included:

  • The Port of Rotterdam launched a global coalition comprised of key ports, including those of Hamburg, 洛杉矶, Long Beach and Antwerp to decarbonize the maritime sector
  • 马恒达集团董事长阿南德•马恒达宣布了旗下所有集团公司的重组计划 carbon neutral by 2040
  • 法国电力公司 承诺到2030年将碳排放量减少2000万吨,到2050年实现碳中和
  • Over 20 companies joined Transforming Heavy Transport to reduce emissions across the heavy transport sector
  • 低于50的成员联合航空公司设定了到2050年将温室气体排放量减少50%的目标
  • 392 investors with US $32 trillion in assets are now using The Investor Agenda to highlight climate action
  • Together, leading companies announced 3.5 million new charging points 到2025年实现电动汽车的全面普及
  • Over 1,000 organizations made climate disclosures this year under CDP. Many were first-timers
  • Climate Smart Agriculture Targets agreed upon by leading companies, 包括联合利华, 奥兰, 先正达, Rabobank with the support of the We Mean Business Coalition and WBCSD

“It’s great to set ambitious targets, 实现这些目标, 然后再进一步,杰西卡·曼说, 环境主管, Social and 治理 at Wells Fargo Asset Management.

While exciting and noteworthy, commitments represent the 开始 of the story – not the finish. 正因为如此,每次活动的演讲者都很清楚 实现 solutions to meet ambitious targets.

“我们需要超越零排放目标,实现零排放,”一位与会者表示. 用她的话来说, setting targets that are more ambitious, means that if we fall short, we will get closer to where we need to go.


The Low Emissions Solutions Conference

例如, Low-Emissions Solutions Conference (LESC) brought together over 200 business representatives, 旧金山大学的学者和政策制定者将讨论加快向低碳经济转型的实施方案.

会议重点讨论了土地管理与能源在应对气候变化方面的关系,明确强调了减少排放和从大气中吸收碳的尚未开发的解决方案. Presenters dove head-first into the data, 帮助突出与企业和学术界有关的气候解决方案的细节.

Key themes included: 1) The limited time we have to address the climate challenge; 2) the fact that the land-energy nexus is integral for slowing climate change and delivering climate solutions; and 3) policies are needed to accelerate the implementation of energy and land use solutions.

比尔McKibbon, world-renowned environmentalist, 在短短几分钟内播放了巨大的格陵兰冰盖融化到海洋中的片段,拉开了LESC的序幕. “Climate change is happening now,” he said. “Solutions that take too long aren’t solutions, 我们需要一套能让改变发生的解决方案——而且要快.”

Policymakers from Brazil, 加州, 夏威夷和墨西哥展示了已经在加强气候承诺方面所做的工作,而学者们强调需要做得更多.

在回应, 参加LESC的公司通过气候智能型农业或交通运输系统转型等解决方案,深入探讨了切实可行的方法,以进一步实现雄心, both of which saw new projects launched last week. 

Speaking specifically about WBCSD’s work in transforming transport, Anirban Ghosh, Chief Sustainability Officer at Mahindra Group said, transforming transport systems is “no longer a pipe dream”. “What we think of [as futuristic] is already happening now.”

But how can we move faster?

Implement solutions now

One of the key ways to move faster in addressing the climate challenge, 是实施立即生效的解决方案:自然气候解决方案.

最近的研究表明,自然气候解决方案可以提供将全球变暖限制在2°C所需的减排量的37%. 因此,WBCSD的 Natural Climate Solutions 该项目旨在帮助企业释放这一尚未开发的潜力,以应对气候挑战. 

峰会期间,大自然保护协会、水务署及其他机构在 Nature4Climate 以确保自然不会成为“被遗忘的解决方案”.”

In addition to mitigation efforts and low-carbon technology, we need an interim solution,阿莱玛·比比说, Manager of WBCSD’s Natural Climate Solutions project. “自然气候解决方案是我们现在可以实施的——它们与更好的土地管理有关, 健康的树木, 森林和土壤.”

“If we don’t 开始 working with nature to draw down more carbon, we’re never going to address the climate challenge,贾斯汀·亚当斯说, Managing Director of The Nature Conservancy. “We can get on with this now.”

During the official Nature4Climate launch event, 保罗•波尔曼(Paul Polman), 联合利华首席执行官, said “If you don’t take care of climate change, you’re not going to have an economy.“自然是减少排放、保障粮食安全和正规博彩十大网站排名的关键.

Nature continued as a key theme over the course of the week, with A-listers like Harrison Ford, 亚历克·鲍德温和简·古道尔鼓励与会者记住并欣赏自然作为气候解决方案的力量.


During the opening of the Summit’s official program, major climate activists, from Cristiana Figueres, 致哈里森·福特, 敦促听众进行指数转型——利用各种工具和解决方案来应对气候变化.

“我们是第一代感受到气候变化影响的人,也是最后一代能够对此采取行动的人,” said former United States President, Barack Obama in a specially recorded video. ”得到启发.”


  1. Healthy Energy Systems
  2. Inclusive Economic Growth
  3. Sustainable Communities
  4. Land and Ocean Stewardship
  5. Transformative climate investments

尽管在会议间隙有抗议活动,呼吁采取更加雄心勃勃和紧急的气候行动, the attitude towards key non-state actors – especially business people, 公民社会成员和土著社区的意见是绝对积极的.

“We cannot and will not wait for government to take action. 本周是庆祝已经取得的成就,并进一步前进的一周。.

We’re still at the 开始 of the climate challenge, we have an immense amount of work ahead, but now is the time to keep up the good work, 开始认真工作, 再努力一点.

As Harrison Ford said about global warming during the opening plenary, “Let’s turn off our phones, let’s roll up our sleeves and let’s kick this monster’s ass.”