
全球建筑与建设联盟(GlobalABC)将各国政府聚集在一起, 专家, businesses and NGOs to reduce emissions and increase resilience in the built environment. As co-chairs of the GlobalABC Steering Committee, WBCSD参加了他们的年度大会,在COP27之前讨论关键的脱碳措施.

发表: 2022年3月31日
作者: WBCSD通信
类型: 洞察力

2022年3月7日至9日 Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC) held its annual General Assembly in Nice, 法国, 由法国政府和ADEME主办,作为法国担任欧盟轮值主席国期间的官方会外活动.

在大会上, WBCSD, represented by Roland Hunziker, 导演, 建筑环境, was re-elected as co-chair of the GlobalABC Steering Committee for two more years, 以及法国生态和包容性转型部的里吉斯·迈耶和伊夫斯·洛朗·萨波瓦尔.

Representing the voice of business, WBCSD will continue leading market transformation initiatives within GlobalABC. 目标是通过消除现有的障碍和确定杠杆点,从而加速向净零建筑环境的过渡,从而在市场行为中创造持久的变化.

Company leadership and collaboration along the value chain

WBCSD执行副总裁Diane Holdorf在GlobalABC大会高级别会议上发表讲话,强调了所有利益相关者之间共同正规博彩十大网站和深度合作对市场变革的重要性.

黛安承认,建筑环境的全面脱碳需要所有公司朝着同样的目标努力. 领先的公司已经制定了基于科学的目标,使它们符合将全球变暖控制在《正规博彩十大网站排名》规定的范围内的目标.

To achieve their own targets, these companies need to collaborate with others along the value chain, as one company’s Scope 3 emissions are another company’s Scope 1 or 2 emissions. A critical factor is that demand-side actors – those investing in, 发展中, owning and occupying buildings – set clear carbon performance requirements, as that will align the whole value chain to deliver.

Policymakers stepping up climate action

大会讨论了如何促使各国采取雄心勃勃的行动,建设脱碳和复原力. 26th 在格拉斯哥举行的《正规博彩十大网站排名》缔约方会议(COP26)强调了建筑环境问题, with a dedicated “城市, Regions and 建筑环境 Day” and a combined “Business & Buildings Pavilion” for the full duration of the COP. The momentum generated at COP26 across all stakeholder groups, 包括业务, 金融, 城市和政府, sets a solid foundation for further ambition and action in the lead-up to the 27th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh.

高级别部分还包括丹麦代表的发言, 法国,  摩洛哥,  儿, 以及来自Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, the High-Level 气候 Champion of Egypt for COP27. They underlined the need for robust and ambitious country action, recognizing the need for rapid building decarbonization by 2050, 不同地区的国家之间以及国家和非国家行为体之间需要合作. 法国和丹麦的新国家政策包括基于生命周期评估的强制性温室气体(GHG)排放门槛, 考虑到与能源消耗有关的排放以及建筑材料和设备的碳足迹. These thresholds will be strengthened over time.

Need for clear and strong signals from governments

Companies operate under the laws and regulations of national, regional and local governments, and public stakeholders represent key demand-side players. 重要的是,各国政府应以身作则,制定有利于低碳解决方案的监管和采购程序, 同时确保所有解决方案在过渡中发挥作用的公平竞争环境. 不同国家采取的政策和法规可能差别很大, which means companies must work with different definitions, methods and requirements. 这使得很难将投资规模扩大到价值链上的低碳解决方案.

WBCSD 提倡 考虑到整个生命周期的碳排放,所有利益相关者都应该对零净建筑的含义有一个明确的定义,并使用一致的方法, 基于全生命周期方法共享数据并设定绩效和采购要求.

Next steps: pulling the levers for market transformation

WBCSD一直在GlobalABC的工作区域3下领导工作,以确定如何将建筑环境转变为净零排放. 正如WBCSD在 COP26, all actors from business, 金融, 政策和科学需要共同努力,在两个基本推动因素的基础上推进关键的市场转型杠杆:

  • 对建筑环境对减缓气候变化的重要性的共同理解,以及对其作为一个系统的紧急脱碳的共同正规博彩十大网站;
  • The importance of radical and deep collaboration across all stakeholders.


1)在整个价值链中采用生命周期思维和全生命周期碳评估, and align key indicators, metrics and targets accordingly

2)整合碳成本,并将其反映在整个价值链的产品和服务价格中, including in procurement and taxonomy


The built environment represents 40% of global carbon emissions. 我们需要到2030年将排放量减半,到2050年在整个生命周期内实现净零排放. 如果我们克服这一系统的碎片化,并为实现共同目标进行彻底和深入的合作,这是可能的.

WBCSD将整个价值链上的领先全球企业聚集在一起,加速实现净零排放所需的系统转型, nature-positive and more equitable future. With GlobalABC as an essential platform for cross-sector dialogues, WBCSD将继续支持政策制定者建立脱碳和复原力, 我们呼吁私营部门密切参与,支持各国的路线图和行动计划.

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