Insider Perspective: The United Nations Forum on Business and 人权








Kitrhona Cerri

From 26 to 28 November 2019, 来自商界和人权界的领导人和代表齐聚日内瓦,参加第七届世界人权论坛 United Nations Forum on Business and 人权. From large corporates to civil society representatives, academics to indigenous groups, 在论坛上,2000多名站在工商业相关人权行动前沿的行动者参加了与《正规博彩十大网站》(UNGPs)相关的60多个小组讨论。.

的UNGPs, unanimously adopted by the UN 人权 委员会 in 2011, 代表了企业和政府在确保企业在其自身运营和业务关系中尊重人权方面各自作用的第一个全球标准.
The theme of this year’s forum was “Business respect for human rights – Building on what works”, 在整个活动期间举行的会议强调了《正规博彩十大网站排名》的第二个支柱:企业尊重人权的责任.
正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)出席了论坛,并在整个星期内就突出议题召开了一系列会外活动. Our highlights from the week are outlined below.

Scale and coherence in corporate due diligence

Discussions throughout the week centered on the proliferation of mechanisms, 工具, 帮助公司和利益攸关方扩大对人权的反应的资源和经验. High-level speakers emphasized the push towards scale, but also towards the coherence of efforts, based on the UNGPs and in alignment with the Sustainable 发展 Goals (SDGs). Speaking in the plenary, Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations Commissioner for 人权, 她说:“在实现正规博彩十大网站排名和正规博彩十大网站排名目标方面,人权政策一致性问题最为关键. […]有意义的人权尽职调查应被视为企业为全球议程做出贡献的最基本方式之一.”

在题为“加强人权尽职调查对实现正规博彩十大网站排名目标的重要性”的小组讨论中发言, 詹姆斯Gomme, Director of SDGs at WBCSD, 提醒听众,“重要的是要继续强调这样一个事实,即没有一家公司可以制定不以尊重人权为核心的正规博彩十大网站排名目标战略。”.  

Rising investor engagement

The role of the investment community was in the forefront as a key driver of change. 越来越多的证据表明,尊重和解决人权问题——在所有管理层以及与下游供应商——可以改善风险评估和长期安全. The issue was highlighted by the launch of the second edition of the Corporate 人权 Benchmark, 根据一系列人权指标,对全球101家最大的上市公司进行评估.

To build on this rising awareness, WBCSD与负责任投资原则(PRI)和投资者人权联盟合作,于11月29日举办了一次研讨会. The event brought together companies, 投资者, 评级机构和公民社会代表将讨论投资界如何运用其影响力,推动企业改变对待人权的方式, and how it is valued by the financial markets.

Business leadership from the top

论坛的开幕全体会议汇集了一组商界领袖,分享了他们对将尊重人权纳入公司实践和人权尽职调查重要性的看法. Panelists highlighted the need 为业务 leadership to drive change throughout an organization, 但也分享了在整个供应链中解决人权问题所面临的挑战以及伙伴关系的至关重要性, collaboration and listening to stakeholders.

The panel closed with a call for action. 塔尼亚·科森蒂诺说:“我真的想请私营部门推动这场革命,让它成为现实。, Senior Vice President of Customer Satisfaction & Quality at Schneider Electric. “Starting from leading by example – let’s respect human rights – but also using our voice, to promote this inside and outside of our companies.”

Patrick Pouyanne, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of TOTAL S.A. 同意. “我知道自己作为公司领导者的角色,我认为领导者在这件事上直言不讳是很重要的. As I am also an SDG pioneer, I will continue to work on human rights as it is the core of all the Sustainable 发展 Goals.”

Building on this call, WBCSD together with the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International and 发展 Studies, 主持了一个晚间活动,探讨高级商界领袖在推进人权议程方面的作用. The session featured a panel discussion bringing together representatives from Equinor, 斯道拉恩索, the Government of Chile, 以及商业与人权资源中心,就如何让更多高管参与并积极应对这一关键议题分享见解. 

Opening the evening, 塞德里克杜邦, Professor of Political Science and Director of Executive Education at the Graduate Institute, highlighted a shift from the power of politics to the power of networks. “领导力的新概念将基于共同的目标和将人们团结在一起的能力。”, 杜邦公司建议.

Engaging voices from the ground


Speaking in a parallel event on “How indigenous people can ‘renew’ renewable energies”, Antonella Santilli, ENEL Green Power Head of Sustainability, shared her company’s experience: “Thanks to dialogue, relations and exchanges with communities over the years, 我们已经明白,土地不仅仅是一个物理空间——它可能被政治和性别问题所困扰. It can be full of cultural meanings. Our perspectives may be different, but they may not necessarily be in opposition. These different perspectives have been enriching our technological world.”

凯特·吉尔摩, 联合国人权事务副高级专员向商界问道:“致那些建立你的人权方法的人, the challenge is not what you say, but to whom do you listen.”

WBCSD briefings and outputs

整体, 为业务, the most valuable takeaway from the week was the wealth of insight, 来自商界和其他领域的经验和分享的意愿为其他人提供了一个起点,让他们可以从领导者的经验中汲取经验,并以此为基础. To further facilitate this candid spirit of exchange, on the final day of the Forum WBCSD held a Member Roundtable on Business and 人权. 这个一年一度的活动为会员公司和全球网络合作伙伴提供了一个非正式的环境来分享和学习同行的经验. This year’s session, gathering two dozen delegates, focused on company experiences in addressing modern slavery risks.

Finally, during the course of the week WBCSD published an 问题简单 介绍企业尊重人权的现状以及理事会对未来商业优先事项的看法. With this brief we hope to continue to inform, 刺激, and add to the discussion around the dynamic and essential issue of business and human rights.  

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