







The past several weeks have seen a flurry of activity in the climate policy space – both in Europe and around the world.

六月底, 来自商界的气候变化专家, 政府和民间社会聚集在波恩, 德国, under the UN Framework Convention on 气候 Change (UNFCCC) to discuss political elements of the upcoming 缔约方会议(COP25)在智利圣地亚哥举行今年12月. 接下来的一周, 专家们也聚集在阿布扎比, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 为9月份联合国秘书长气候峰会的筹备会议做准备.

The 世界商业 委员会 可持续 发展 (WBCSD) was present both in 波恩 and 阿布扎比 – highlighting that progressive business is in agreement: it’s time to go further, 加快应对气候挑战的紧迫性.

还有我们的商业伙伴, 我们强调,主要企业将全面履行《正规博彩十大网站》, 许多公司已经采取了与《正规博彩十大网站》一致的行动.


聚集在 波恩 包括范围广泛的会议, 为提高适应目标奠定基础的活动和谈判会议, accelerating resilience-building efforts and ensuring that climate policy leading up to the COP in Chile and beyond is built on a solid foundation of the best available science and knowledge.

The 波恩 meeting’s objective was to track progress towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement, and to advance work on the rules and guidelines for Article 6 – which are important because they include market-based mechanisms, 比如碳定价. 


Progress in 波恩 was crucial for ensuring that the rules for Article 6 will be completed and adopted as one of the key outcomes of this year’s COP25 in Chile.

“巴黎协定和最近的 特别报道 of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on 气候 Change reinforce the urgent need to limit global average temperature rise to 1.5°C. 但我们还没有走上正轨,离目标还很远。”联合国气候变化首席执行官帕特里夏·埃斯皮诺萨说.

“到2050年实现碳中和,并将全球平均气温上升稳定在1.5°C是可能的. 但这需要深刻的变革性政策和措施。.

然而, 以实现《正规博彩十大网站》的目标, 各方都需要采取更大、更紧迫的气候行动. 第一轮缔约方国家自主贡献(NDCs), 即使完全实施, 无法实现《正规博彩十大网站》的长期目标.

To go further and faster, businesses and governments both need to continue to push their ambitions.

在整个活动中, WBCSD reiterated that business is calling on policymakers to adopt more ambitious targets and measures in their revised nationally determined contribution (NDCs) by 2020, 包括明确的国内气候政策, 旨在使总体目标更接近《正规博彩十大网站》的目标.

Business sees Article 6 of the Paris Agreement as a key enabler for increasing climate ambition – locally, 国内和国际. It lays out the framework for international market mechanisms that would help countries achieve the deep reductions in emissions from 2020 needed to achieve global net-zero emissions in the second half of this century.

“我敦促各国政府利用这个机会找到解决办法, 让碳市场的坚实规则最终成形,帕特里夏·埃斯皮诺萨说.

德克Forrister, 国际排放交易协会 (IETA)的首席执行官说:“缔约方会议已经承认,除了公共资金, nations must leverage vast sums of money from the private sector to help reach the goals of the Paris Agreement. A complete set of Article 6 rules are critical to create the transparency and security that these funds need in order to flow.”

WBCSD supports a positive outcome from these negotiations and calls on governments to agree on the rules at the Santiago COP to give the global business community sufficient time to prepare before the rules to take effect.


在波恩, negotiations on Article 6 attempted to gain consensus on a draft text that could form the basis of an agreement at COP25 in Santiago and to identify the main political issues that required resolving. 这次会议在这方面是成功的,因为代表们能够就一份文件达成一致. 然而, the compromise to get this meant that the negotiating text itself became longer and more complicated.

整体, this puts negotiations around Article 6 during COP in a stronger position for a positive outcome in Santiago.


随着注意力转向今年12月在圣地亚哥取得成功的结果, the incoming Chilean Presidency team was in 波恩 to present their vision for a successful COP25, 提高应对气候变化的雄心是其首要任务.

“我们已经在世界各地看到了气候变化的影响. 这不是100年后才会发生的事情, 这就是我们现在所看到的,卡罗莱纳·施密特说, 智利环境部长, 谁将主持COP25.

智利总统强调,它希望缔约方会议加强公民参与. “我们正在竭尽所能, 让年轻人认识到自己是今年的关键演员, 我们必须果断地从谈判转向具体执行.”

智利气候问题高级别冠军, 冈萨洛穆尼奥斯, 强调了圣地亚哥缔约方会议的一些关键主题, 包括森林和生物多样性, 海洋和南极洲, 电动汽车和循环经济. He also highlighted the importance of sustainable finance – which will be crucial enabler to accelerate change.

在整个活动中, 会议明确指出了私营部门在应对这一全球挑战方面的重要作用. The Chilean Government looks forward to working with all players who are prepared to show ambition.


紧随波恩事件之后, 气候变化代表们再次齐聚阿布扎比, 阿联酋, 的筹备会议 联合国秘书长气候峰会 今年9月.

会议包括一系列高级别圆桌会议, where government representatives debated the challenges and opportunities around raising ambition on key issues such as energy and ambitions around NDC, 和金融.

The meeting also provided an opportunity for the nine workstreams preparing the program across the Summit to discuss desired outcomes, as well as to provide clarity on the various initiatives that are being developed in support of raised ambition.

The meeting opened with a Plenary session where UN Secretary-一般 António Guterres made an impassioned plea for governments, 企业和社会加强气候行动. 他将应对气候变化定位为人类的决定性时刻, 而且“经济转型势在必行”.


在他的行动号召中, the Secretary-一般 was very direct about the need to increase climate ambition and made specific calls for action to governments and business.

值得注意的是,他呼吁将税收从人们身上转移到污染物身上. 这是一个前所未有的强烈呼吁,支持对碳征税. He also called on all countries not to build new coal-fired power plants after 2020 and to effectively address fossil fuel subsidies. 

The Secretary-一般 called for countries to come to the 气候 Change Summit on 23 September with concrete plans not pledges. The Summit will serve as a political moment – to help build momentum for greater policy action. 因此,它应成为行动的催化剂, and the follow-up to the Summit in terms of broadening coalitions and implementing initiatives, 会同样重要吗.

WBCSD is working to bring a strong business voice into the preparations for the Summit and will continue to engage with the workstreams to ensure private sector support and engagement for the outcomes of the various workstreams.

在未来数周,水务署将为余下的两场比赛进行筹备工作 区域气候周 2019年:拉丁美洲和加勒比气候周(8月19日至23日,萨尔瓦多), 巴西)和亚太气候周(9月2日至6日,曼谷), 泰国).