
Support 和 implementation of recommendations from the Task Force on 气候-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) continue gaining momentum

发表: 2021年10月15日
作者: WBCSD通信
类型: 洞察力

今年, TCFD峰会 marked a critical milestone on the road to COP26, bringing together leaders of leading companies, 金融机构, 和 other relevant organizations to exchange insights 和 developments relating to the Task-Force on 气候-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

TCFD建议 provide a common language by which corporates, 投资者, st和ard-setters 和 regulators can communicate 和 manage climate-related risks 和 opportunities. This year was the third edition of the TCFD峰会, following on its successful 就职第二个 版本, organized by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, 工业贸易(METI), WBCSD和日本TCFD联盟.

今年峰会的发言人 emphasized TCFD support 和 implementation has seen significant progress over the past year. 自2020年以来, TCFD已确保超过1,在全球范围内增加5000名支持者, including a historic endorsement by the G7 in June. A number of governments 和 supervisory 和 security organizations have shifted towards compulsory climate reporting - either following or in line with TCFD建议.

的 summit highlighted other key developments in the uptake 和 advancement of TCFD建议:

  • A preliminary overview was provided of the newly released Guidance on Metrics, Targets 和 Transition Plans 来自TCFD秘书处, which outlines seven categories of cross-industry metrics, 关于过渡计划沟通的指导, as well as additional information on communicating financial impact 和 climate-related risk exposure 和 response. WBCSD is proud to have contributed to this guidance.
  • It was noted that meaningful engagement between 投资者 和 corporates, 开启净零转型的关键是什么. Several resources in climate financing were highlighted, including the launch of the 绿色投资指引2.0 来自日本TCFD联盟和 《正规博彩十大网站》 published by the International Capital Market Association.
  • As the uptake of TCFD建议 increases globally, the Japan TCFD Consortium is engaging with other countries that are looking to establish their own national consortia. 例如, the Bank of Mexico is setting up a TCFD Consortium in Mexico based on good practices from the Japan consortium.  

虽然这些进展令人鼓舞, there is much to be done to leverage this momentum in scaling up high quality, 类似的, 和 reliable assessment 和 disclosure on climate-related risks, 影响, 机会和过渡计划. That is why WBCSD continues to work on TCFD响应, strengthening work with leading companies relating to the challenging issue of climate scenario analysis, starting with a focus on the energy system 和 moving onto food, 农林产品. WBCSD will also bring the voice of preparers from the real economy into conversations 和 work on st和ardization as progressed by the International Sustainability St和ards Board 和 transitions as progressed by the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.

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