







2019年3月18日至22日,加纳阿克拉: 上周, 接近3,000名代表政府的代表, 商界领袖和民间社会利益攸关方齐聚阿克拉, 加纳参加2019年非洲气候周(ACW2019). This event was the first of the series of regional climate events to be hosted this year ahead of the United Nations Secretary 一般’s Climate Summit in September.

The Regional Climate Weeks are designed to foster engagement between governments and non-  government stakeholders to advance regional climate action. 

该事件是在强烈热带气旋伊代的背景下发生的, one of the worst tropical cyclones to hit the Southern Hemisphere and the African region, 影响了马拉维200多万人, 莫桑比克和津巴布韦. 在高级别开幕式上, 代表们为受害者默哀一分钟. This tragic event was a stark reminder of the urgent need to address climate change and the vulnerability of African countries to its adverse impacts.

ACW2019 focused on how engagement between governments and non-governmental stakeholders can be strengthened across key sectors in Africa, 特别是围绕与基于自然的解决方案有关的问题, the energy transition and the critical role of cities and local action in addressing the climate challenge.

活动开幕期间, 加纳共和国总统, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, 与环境部长一起, 科学, 科技与创新, 教授. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng, 阿克拉市长, Mohammed Adjei Sowah, COP24总统, MichałKurtyka为首, 联合国气候变化副执行秘书, Ovais Sarmad, affirmed the need to foster cooperation from all countries and non-governmental stakeholders to pursue efforts to stay within the 1.《正规博彩十大网站排名》中5°C的温度目标.

“我们现在进入了一个雄心勃勃的新时代. 我们需要创意, best practices and lessons learned from every corner of the world where businesses, 投资者, regional and local leaders and everyday people can bring their voice to the table,” said Ovais Sarmad as he highlighted the importance of leveraging the event to implement ambitious climate action.

The 世界商业 委员会 可持续 发展 (WBCSD) was present in Accra, bringing the voice of business on climate action by showcasing the tangible climate solutions companies are implementing across the region.

符合活动的主要主题重点领域, 水务署举办了两次会议,讨论以自然为本的解决方案. 第一阶段, 与国际排放交易协会合办, 汇集了来自国家和地方政府的代表, 国际组织, the private sector and civil society to highlight opportunities associated with nature-based solutions in Africa.

WBCSD气候智慧型农业和软商品论坛主任, 马修·雷迪, 发表会议主题, where he highlighted the importance of enabling legal and institutional frameworks at the national level for implementing national policy and national commitments (NDCs) that include nature-based solutions. Participants highlighted again and again the importance of strong enabling policy to unlock regional climate solutions at scale.  

“为了使政策生效, 我们需要赋予社区权力, give ownership to communities and have the benefits flowing directly to communities,他说, as he made a strong call for farmer-driven climate solutions for adaptation and mitigation.

The second session discussed nature-based solutions through the lens of technology, 创新与实施. This session aimed to highlight the role and applications of innovations and technologies available to increase resilience and adaptive capacity of food and land systems in Africa.

在这, panelists from various stakeholder groups presented success stories about innovative technologies employed within the African context to improve agricultural yield and empower local farming communities. 会议结束时,发言者重申, 当扩展新的创新时, 多方利益相关者合作, 包括私营机构参与, 是至关重要的.

作为其中的一部分, participants agreed that private sector actors are key for rolling out climate-smart technologies. 像这样, 他们说, 明确移动通信公司的角色是非常重要的, 科技和软件公司和小型公司, 以及大中型农业企业, all of whom can help bring blended finance in the form of public and private funding to support the scale-up of solutions.

在具体内容会议的专题讨论之后, WBCSD举办了一场关于气候的高层晚宴和交流活动, 粮食系统与创新, bringing together delegates and attendees from various organizations and stakeholder groups.

At the event, WBCSD made a call for action by the agricultural sector with introduction of the CocoaCloud倡议这是一个与Opus Insights合作开发的气候智能数据平台.  CocoaCloud is a key agri-tech solution that will help farmers in West Africa adapt their practices in light of a changing climate and will help them to produce more per hectare and become more resilient to extreme climate areas.

佩内洛普·卡伯特, Opus Insights董事兼联合创始人, underscored how CocoaCloud will transform agricultural management decisions by providing easily accessible, 西非可可带主要种植区的准确天气数据.

This is a key example of the kinds of tangible climate solutions business can bring to the table.

The key outcomes from ACW2019 were presented during the Closing Plenary on Friday and submitted to Special Envoy for UN Climate Action Summit, Luis Alfonso de Alba as critical contribution to the workstreams of the UN Secretary 一般’s Climate Summit scheduled to be held on 23 September.  在与非洲气候周代表和组织者的简报会上, Ambassador de Alba clearly emphasized the need for transformative and ambitious solutions. He said, “The objective is to have a very selected number of ambitious proposals at the Summit.”

Other Regional Climate Weeks will be held in 2019 in the 亚太地区 and Latin America and the Caribbean regions, 日期和地点还未确定.
