Insider Perspective – Innovate 4 Climate - Frankfurt

Published: 31 May 2018
Author: Communications
Type: Insight


However, 缔约方提交的第一轮国家自主贡献(NDCs), even if fully implemented, will not deliver the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement.


Last week’s Innovate4Climate 在法兰克福举行的会议有助于说明,前所未有的气候行动对于实现《正规博彩十大网站排名》目标所需的投资至关重要.

会议已成为气候日历上的一个重要日期,因为它旨在加强政府间的对话, business, multilateral agencies, banking and finance, technology leaders and innovators, in pursuit of climate finance, sustainable development, carbon pricing and markets.

This year’s conference brought together leading stakeholders, 就开发支持低碳的创新融资工具和方法开展鼓舞人心的对话, climate-resilient development pathways. This included for example, 几场会议探讨了区块链等创新技术的作用, to drive climate investment at scale.

As the world faces ever-increasing constraints on resources, 投资者正在寻找创新和颠覆性的融资形式,为加速向低碳未来过渡的投资提供资金.

应对气候变化的关键之一将是加快动员和获得长期融资, climate-smart investments. 只有通过发展必要的有利环境和最大限度地利用公共和私人资源才能实现这一目标.

因此,会议包括围绕加强气候投资商业案例的专题领域的讲习班, improving access to finance for NDC implementation, 气候适应能力的创新技术和金融工具, 以及碳市场如何能够实现雄心勃勃的、具有成本效益的减排努力.

Some of the highlights include:

WBCSD Carbon Pricing report

During the conference, WBCSD presented its in-depth guide for policymakers on carbon pricing. WBCSD及其成员认为,碳定价是推动向低碳世界过渡的最有效手段之一. 现在的重点已经转移到理解“做什么”和“如何做”.

“碳定价是管理碳排放的公认概念,许多司法管辖区正在寻求实施一种或另一种工具,” said Rasmus Valanko, Director of Climate & Energy at WBCSD. “We want to take the discussions to the next level of detail, helping policymakers with the choices they need to make.”

因此,WBCSD的碳定价报告旨在成为企业与国家政府和利益相关者开展对话的有用工具, to inform such consultations, 并协助交付实施最合适政策所需的决策.

IETA survey finds fresh optimism for global carbon markets

会议期间,IETA还公布了其年度报告的结果 GHG Market Sentiment survey. 调查结果显示,尽管受访者对当前趋势与《正规博彩十大网站排名》目标之间的差距表示严重担忧, 他们对全球碳排放交易的前景越来越乐观. 今年的联合国气候谈判能否就《正规博彩十大网站排名》的规则手册或2020年后清洁发展机制的地位达成协议仍存在不确定性.

“在过去的12个月里,世界各地的碳排放交易出现了爆发式增长, from Latin America, across North American jurisdictions, and in China,” said IETA President and CEO Dirk Forrister. “各国政府正在认真考虑利用市场的力量来实现其气候目标.”

普华永道对这项调查的回应显示,全球对碳排放交易持积极态度. A large majority of respondents also warned 如果中国的碳排放交易体系不被国际社会视为成功的话, the reputation of emissions trading worldwide will be affected. However, 受访者还认为,中国碳排放交易体系的启动将鼓励其他国家实施碳定价.

“各国政府需要正视自己的气候目标,并开始实施符合《正规博彩十大网站排名》的政策,” said Jonathan Grant, Director of PwC’s climate team. “世界各地的碳市场背后有真正的动力——价格预期再次上升.  And there are high stakes on the trading system in China. Success there could inspire other countries to follow, but if it fails it could undermine action around the world.”

IETA Talanoa Stories

On the final day of the event, IETA also launched its Talanoa Stories 项目旨在支持《正规博彩十大网站》的进程,因为该进程正朝着商定实施《正规博彩十大网站排名》的规则手册的方向发展.

IETA的Talanoa故事介绍了其成员的经验,并展示了他们帮助实现《正规博彩十大网站排名》目标的雄心. 该项目支持《正规博彩十大网站》下正式的塔拉诺阿对话,作为私营部门在《正规博彩十大网站排名》下提高雄心的重要贡献. IETA成员通过这些故事强调了他们对巴黎目标的承诺, 并强调碳定价如何推动私营部门投资以实现减排.

这一活动标志着决策者和企业在迈向第24次缔约方会议和2020年的道路上迈出了重要一步. WBCSD及其成员将在未来一年密切关注碳市场和《正规博彩十大网站》的发展.

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