








今天,城市是世界上一半以上人口的家园. By 2050, this ratio is expected to near 70% making urbanization one of the most significant trends of this century. The way we 构建 and manage our urban centres today will not only be decisive for the future of our cities, 而是为了实现正规博彩十大网站排名目标.

2016年是城镇化的关键一年. 10月15-20日, 30,来自国家和地方政府的1000名代表, 国际组织, 企业和公民社会也加入了进来 Habitat III, the third  United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban 发展在厄瓜多尔的基多. 在联合国的历史上, 民间社会最积极地参与了生境三, 利益相关者和地方当局有超过2,地方政府代表1000人.


城市长期以来一直寻求商业解决方案来设计, 构建, 运营和维护主要基础设施和服务. 随着城市景观变得越来越复杂和相互联系, business has a growing responsibility and key role to play in addressing the sustainability challenges we face. There is an urgent need to scale-up engagement models that will allow cities and businesses to collaborate early in the planning phase and leverage the full innovative capacity and resources of the private sector.

鉴于这一首要目标, we co-chaired the Business and Industry constituency group of the 一般 Assembly of Partners (GAP) of Habitat III, 与我们的会员公司阿卡迪斯一起. Through 16 partner constituent groups each representing a different stakeholder group, GAP促进了包容性对话, developing common positions on key principles and thematic areas in preparation for the 新城市议程,生境三的成果文件. GAP has been a high- impact platform in channeling business input and expertise into the 新城市议程.

在生境三,我们组织了 商业大会 以及工商圆桌会议,通过该会议,我们:

  • successfully positioned business as a key solution-provider and facilitator for broader multi-stakeholder collaboration for sustainable cities. The 新城市议程 recognizes the important role of business in implementation.
  • explained the business case for early city-business engagement and nurtured link to cities to replicate effective collaboration models globally;
  • 在世界各地最佳实践案例的帮助下, 展示了企业如何支持正规博彩十大网站排名, inclusive and resilient urban development through a holistic approach and explored new strategic themes;
  • shared lessons learned and explored mechanisms for 构建ing stronger partnerships for creating sustainable value through 问责制 and transparency.  

这是官方会议计划的一部分, both of our events were attended by high-level participants from 国家和地方政府, 国际组织, 商业和公民社会. 主题演讲嘉宾包括知名人士,如:

  • 联合国大会主席彼得·汤姆森;
  • Dr. 联合国人居署执行主任琼·克洛斯;
  • 蒙特卡尔省市长丹尼斯·科德雷;
  • 新加坡宜居城市中心主任Khoo Teng Chye;
  • 南希·斯泰森,美国.S. 全球粮食安全特别代表;
  • Ashok-Alexander Sridharan, Mayor of Bonn and First Vice-President of ICLEI;
  • 以及多贝玛亚的首席执行官托马斯·皮切勒, 厄瓜多尔豪瑞公司的尼克·特拉伯, Naoko Ishii of GEF) and other high-level representatives from business (PwC, 阿克苏诺贝尔公司, 米其林, 比亚迪, 威立雅, Engie, 飞利浦, Pronaca, Arcadis和智慧城市顾问公司), 国家和地方政府, 非政府组织(WRI, 世界宣明会, SDI)和学术界.


Twenty years after the last gathering in Istanbul, Habitat III saw the adoption of the 新城市议程 近170个国家. The 新城市议程 is a global framework for action that will influence the United Nations’ sustainable urbanization strategy in the next 20 years. 但最重要的是, it’s a strong call to recognize that the complex challenges of urbanization can only be addressed by multi-stakeholder collaboration.

重要的是, the 新城市议程 clearly emphasizes the role of the private sector in catalyzing sustainable urbanization and calls on businesses to form partnerships and implement innovative solutions. 它提出了一个长期的, 统筹兼顾、以人为本, commits to empower local governments in spearheading sustainable urban development and advocates for participatory approaches in local decision-making, 实施及跟进.

最后, the 新城市议程 supports a shift towards proactive approaches to enhance resilience and embraces modern concepts such as resource efficiency, 循环经济和基于生态系统的方法. It therefore represents a great opportunity for business to showcase leadership and advance transformative urban solutions. For forward-looking companies, the 新城市议程 is the new business agenda.


The 新城市议程 has been praised for its focus on a strengthened role for local governments, 它对公平的进步观点, 它强调强有力的城市规划原则. On the other hand, the document lacks prescriptive actions and clear metrics for monitoring progress. There are also concerns that the 新城市议程 is weakly interlinked with the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, as it does not incorporate a roadmap for the implementation of these agreements in cities.

生境三也是发射 基多实施计划, voluntary commitments by various partners to reinforce the implementation of the 新城市议程. These commitments seek to be measurable and achievable actions that include information for future 问责制 and transparency. In this, they are meant to be a significant complement to the 新城市议程.

The fate of our cities will depend on how successfully we will 构建 on Habitat III’s legacy of partnership and collaboration. 今天再一次, national and local authorities will come together at the Cities Day at COP 22 in Marrakesh to focus on the decisive role of cities in the fight against climate change. 现在,城市的指导框架已经牢固地建立起来, 商业从来没有像现在这样处于行动的有利地位.

在WBCSD, 我们将继续推动商业行动,建立正规博彩十大网站排名, 韧性和包容性城市. 我们将利用可持续城市框架, 在基多启动, 复制成功的城市商业互动, 吸取教训, form partnerships and support 国家和地方政府 in 构建ing the cities we need.