Insider Perspective: 亚洲-Pacific 气候 Week 2018









本周早些时候, business leaders and government officials from across the 亚洲-Pacific gathered in Singapore for 亚洲-Pacific 气候 Week 2018 (APCW 2018).

APCW 2018 is part of a series of Regional 气候 Week events designed to advance the conversations on regional climate action across the world. WBCSD has been working closely with the UNFCCC to bring the business community perspective through engagement with our Global Network partners.

This week’s event aimed to demonstrate genuine international support for stepping up climate action, while mobilizing actors to support and enhance the implementation of countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. The event also focused on how governments in the 亚洲-Pacific region can take action to deliver the Sustainable 发展 Goals (SDGs).

During the opening high-level segment of APCW 2018, WBCSD常务董事, Maria Mendiluce joined a panel alongside Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, as well as representatives from the governments of Fiji, 新加坡和马尔代夫, the 亚洲n 发展 Bank and UN ESCAP.

The panel discussion focused on the current state of climate action in the region and beyond, with particular focus on building climate resilience, especially in vulnerable areas of the 亚洲-Pacific.

Ms. Espinosa echoed the need for rapid action. “We are walking into a Category 5 hurricane with only an umbrella in hand,”她说。, in reference to the every-day reality facing many small island nations and other vulnerable regions across the world.

Ms. Espinosa said that it’s clearer than ever that governments cannot fulfil the mitigation or adaptation objectives under the Paris Agreement without the involvement of other key stakeholders – including business.

在这种情况下. Mendiluce highlighted the role that business played in the lead up to COP21 in accelerating the political momentum that helped deliver the Paris Agreement. She stressed that in the two years since, business has stepped up its support for climate ambition, pushing for Paris Agreement implementation and setting robust climate targets.

“Our goal at WBCSD is to move from implementing individual projects to complete systems transformation,”她说。. “We are exploring how multiple solutions can be coupled together to accelerate the decarbonization of the economy, for example through our Low Carbon Technology Partnerships Initiative (LCTPi).”

此外,女士. Mendiluce underscored the fact that business, 与民间社会一起, continues to be a key implementation partner for the Paris Agreement and the SDGs. She highlighted the importance of non-state actors being included in the UNFCCC process to support the dialogues towards enhancing ambition between now and 2020.

“Businesses want to be part of the discussion and can bring their experiences and best practices to speed-up the implementation of climate solutions related to mitigation and adaptation,女士说。. Mendiluce. “What we need now is to move from pilot projects to larger volume projects that can be scaled up and replicated around the world.”

The event highlighted that NDCs offer a key opportunity for companies and governments to work together in large projects and to develop the policy frameworks that will support the implementation and operationalization of the Paris Agreement.

The Regional 气候 Weeks, coupled with the ongoing Talanoa对话, offer great opportunities to build and strengthen public-private partnerships across different regions.
